En esta sección incluiremos todas las ofertas de trabajo disponibles en Consolider-Ingenio ASTROMOL. Dichas ofertas estarán fundamentalmente dirigidas a doctores (especializados en Astrofísica, Física Molecular, Química Física y campos afines) con experiencia en el área que se especifique y con clara vocación interdisciplinar. Dichas ofertas estarán supeditadas a las normas y condiciones de contratación que aplique cada organismo integrante del Consolider-Ingenio ASTROMOL.
- Job offer: ASTROMOL Postdoctoral position in gas phase kinetics at low temperatures
- Closing date for applications: Dec 17, 2012 (APPLICATIONS CLOSED)
- Job description: PostDoctoral position in the Department of Physical Chemistry, in the Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory of the University de Castilla – La Mancha (Ciudad Real, Spain) for 8 months (the envisaged job starting date is January 2013). The candidate will work in a CONSOLIDER-INGENIO project: “Molecular Astrophysics: The Herschel and Alma era” (ASTROMOL). The main objective of this part of the project is the development of a new pulsed Laval Nozzle system for determining rate coefficients of several radical-molecule reactions of atmospheric and astrophysical interest at very low temperatures.
Candidates must hold a PhD in chemistry or physics. Previous experience in laser techniques, gas phase kinetics, and vacuum techniques are mandatory. He/She is expected to think creatively, work independently and collaborate with the team. The application should include a CV, a list of publications, a brief summary of current research, and some letters of recommendation. It may be sent by e-mail (preferred), or regular mail. Email inquiries are welcome. Contact address and applications e-mail: Att. Prof. Bernabé Ballesteros (bernabe.ballesteros at uclm.es).
- Job offer: ASTROMOL Postdoctoral position in Observational Star Formation
- Closing date: May 31, 2012 (APPLICATIONS CLOSED)
- Job description: The Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB, CSIC-INTA, Spain) and the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional (OAN-IGN, Spain) offer one postdoctoral contract (1 + 1 years) in the field of Star Formation. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Mario Tafalla and a collaborator from the CAB, and will be involved in the study of the earliest phases of stellar birth. There is some flexibility in the exact topic of research, which depending on the interest of the candidate can focus on different aspects of dense core formation and evolution or the physics and chemistry of bipolar outflows. Other lines of work may be considered if they have a natural connection to the above two topics.
In order to apply, the candidate must have a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or related discipline (or expect to have one by early July). Experience in star-formation studies, radio astronomical observations, and/or radiative transfer calculations will be highly valued. The contract is available in the framework of the Consolider-Ingenio Research Project “Molecular Astrophysics: The Herschel and ALMA Era” led by Jose Cernicharo, and will be awarded by the Spanish CAB-CSIC. A brief CV, statement of research interests, and contact information for at least two referees should be sent to Mario Tafalla (m.tafalla at oan.es). The deadline for applications is May 31, 2012, and the starting date of the contract is negotiable but should not be later than December 1, 2012. Bachelor and PhD degrees granted by non-Spanish universities need to be accredited by a Spanish institution, and the interested candidate should contact Mario Tafalla for instructions on how to initiate the process.
The gross annual pre-tax income including health insurance contributions and social security is in the range of 35,000 EUR. Additional funds are available to cover travel expenses and participation in conferences.
For further inquiries, please contact Mario Tafalla (m.tafalla at oan.es).
- Job offer: ASTROMOL Postdoctoral position in Laboratory of Molecular Fluid Dynamics
- Closing date: February 20, 2012 (APPLICATIONS CLOSED)
- Job description: One post-Doctoral contract (1 + 1 years) is available in the framework of the Consolider-Ingenio Research Project “Molecular Astrophysics: The Herschel and ALMA Era” (CSD2009-00038). The successful candidate will be involved in a study of collisions of several molecular species of astrophysical interest, aimed at determining the rate coefficients for inelastic collisions at low temperature, and the formation of small clusters. The tasks to be undertaken include: 1) laboratory spectroscopic measurements (by Raman spectroscopy with high time-space resolution) in supersonic jets of H2O or CO, and their mixtures with H2 and He; 2) data reduction to fluid dynamic quantities (densities, temperatures, rotational populations, flow velocities, etc); and 3) interpretation of the experimental data in terms of molecular collisions at the lowest temperature as possible. The required instrumentation (high power lasers, grating spectrograph, expansion chamber and nozzles, high vacuum pumps) is fully operative at the laboratory. The sucessful candidate must have experience in molecular spectroscopy, and will be trained according to his/her background in Physics, Chemical-, Molecular-, or Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics. Well qualified candidates are invited to apply to the contact information below, including a CV and potential references. Application deadline is February 20th. Contact and more information Prof. Salvador Montero: emsalvador at iem.cfmac.csic.es Dr. José María Fernández: jmfernandez at cfmac.csic.es http://www.iem.csic.es/departamentos/fismol/fisica_molecular.htm
- Job offer: ASTROMOL Postdoctoral contract in Astrophysics (Radiative Transfer and Spectropolarimetry)
- Closing date: March 22, 2011 (APPLICATIONS CLOSED)
- Job description: see further details in the application form
- Job offer: ASTROMOL Postdoctoral contract in Extragalactic Astrophysics
- Closing date: February 2011 (APPLICATIONS CLOSED)
- Job description: The Center for Astrobiology (CAB, CSIC-INTA) and the National Astronomical Observatory (OAN, IGN) announce the opening of the recently established Postdoctoral Program in Astrophysics in the framework of the Consolider Program “Molecular Astrophysics: The Herschel and ALMA Era (CSD2009-00038)”. The present Consolider position will be awarded to a postdoctoral scientist displaying significant promise in observational astrophysics in the area of millimeter and sub-millimeter extragalactic astronomy, currently developed at OAN and CAB. The successful applicants will work with Santiago Garcia-Burillo at OAN in collaboration with Jose Cernicharo at CAB and other members of a large international team in the context of the following research lines:
- Molecular gas chemistry in starbursts and AGNs. The extragalactic team at OAN in collaboration with CAB is leading a combined survey which aims at studying the excitation and chemistry of molecular gas in a sample of active galaxies at low and high redshift.
- The Feeding of nuclear activity: The NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) project. The OAN team leads the exploitation of an interferometer CO survey of 25 low luminosity AGNs to study feeding mechanisms and star formation laws with subarcsecond spatial resolution.
- Study of AGN feedback in radio galaxies through millimeter line observations.
The postdoctoral fellow will be one of the key persons for the reduction of the different molecular data obtained with ground-based mm-wave radiotelescopes and interferometers in the framework of the different ongoing projects led by our team at OAN. These observations are part of the preparatory work for the exploitation of future facilities like NOEMA (upgraded IRAM array) and ALMA. Appointments are for 2 years starting during June-September 2011. The gross annual pre-tax income including health insurance contributions and social security is in the range of 37,000 EUR. Additional funds are available to cover travel expenses and participation in conferences.
The CONSOLIDER postdoc in extragalactic astronomy will have access to all astronomical facilities of ESO (including the future ALMA interferometer) and IRAM (the single-dish 30m telescope and the Plateau de Bure interferometer). CAB and OAN provide an active research environment and a wealth of opportunities to interact within ongoing or planned research projects. Applicants must have a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or theoretical physics. Applicants are requested to send a curriculum vitae, a list of all university courses taken and transcripts of grades obtained, brief statements of research interests and experience, and the contact information for at least two referees by email to the above address. The details of the future selection process will be communicated to the applicants after reception of the letter of interest. Included Benefits: Health insurance contributions and social security payments are all included in the gross salary.
Submit Resumes to:
Attention: Santiago Garcia-Burillo, Astronomer
Observatorio de Madrid (OAN), Alfonso XII, 3
Madrid-28014 (Spain)
Tel: +34 915270107 Ext 335
FAX: +34 915271935
Email Submission Address: s.gburillo@oan.es
Email Inquiries: s.gburillo@oan.es