Category Archives: documentación

Guía del investigador extranjero en España 2014

Publicada la Guía para la Gestión de la Movilidad de Personal Investigador Extranjero en España, 2014 en español e inglés.
Pinche AQUÍ para acceder a los contenidos (versión pdf, resumen ejecutivo y versión navegable).

Call for proposals for Marie-Curie Actions (IXF and CIG 2013) (CLOSED)

Four People Program actions are currently open:

  • Marie Curie intra-european fellowships for career development (IEF) – FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF. Deadline: 2013-08-14. This action is to support the career development, or restart, of experienced researchers at different stages of their careers, and seeks to enhance their individual competence diversification in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level and/or by undertaking intersectoral experiences.The aim is to support researchers in attaining and/or strengthening a leading independent position, e.g. principal investigator, professor or other senior position in education or enterprise.
  • Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) – FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IIF. Deadline: 2013-08-14. This action aims to reinforce the research excellence of the Member States and the associated countries through knowledge sharing with incoming top-class researchers active in an other third country to work on research projects in Europe, with the view to developing mutually-beneficial research co-operation between Europe and an other third country. It aims to encourage these researchers to plan their period of international mobility within the framework of a coherent professional project and thus enhances the possibility of future collaborative research links with European researchers and organisations active in research in their future research career.
  • Marie Curie international Outgoing Fellowships for career development (IOF) – FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF. Deadline: 2013-08-14. This action aims to reinforce the international dimension of the career of European researchers by giving them the opportunity to be trained and acquire new knowledge in a high-level organisation active in research, established in an other third country (outgoing phase). Subsequently, these researchers will return with the acquired knowledge and experience to an organisation in a Member State or associated country.
  • Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (CIG) – FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG. Deadline: 2013-09-18. This action aims to reinforce the European Research Area (ERA) by encouraging researchers to establish themselves in a Member State or in an associated country, thereby attracting and retaining the best talents in Europe. The action is designed to support researchers in the first steps of their European research career and to attain lasting professional integration in the ERA. By providing researchers with a substantial research budget, the action is intended to improve considerably their prospects for long term integration, thus contributing to the success of their research career.


Documentos para realizar altas de personal en Consolider

Se presentan dos modelos normalizados, uno en formato word con declaración del interesado y justificación del alta y otro en formato excel para la inclusión de datos personales.
Justificacion del alta de personal y declaración
Autorización alta de personal por entidad coordinadora

Ley de Contratos del Sector Público

BOE 31 octubre 2007, núm. 261, modificada Ley 2/2011, de 4 de marzo — LEY CSP_30_2007_modificada_ley_2_2011