CAB is located inside a Department of Defense campus (INTA), and to allow access, Security needs to receive the following information from any participants:
- First and Last Name
- Nationality
- Passport Number
Please fill all this information in the Registration form.
Countries outside Schengen: You should send a scanned version of your passport by February 15th the latest to and to arrange your access to CAB.
If you plan to bring your own car to CAB, Security will need information on the model, color, and number plate of your car. This information should be filled in the «Comments» section in Registration form. We advise not to rent cars.
The workshop will take place at Centro de Astrobiología in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain, located inside the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerespacial (INTA).

From the Barajas airport to Madrid:
The official taxis in Madrid are white, with a red band on the door. These should charge a flat rate of 30 euros from the airport to downtown. All information here. In that web, you can also find information about trains and Metro. Please note that not all terminals may have metro or train stations. Alternatively, there is an Airport Express Shuttle (run 24 hours a day, 5 euros) from Barajas Airport (all terminals) to Madrid (O’Donnell, Plaza de Cibeles and Atocha Station).
From Madrid to/from CAB-INTA:
We have arranged a bus service from Madrid to CAB-INTA and back for all participants. The pick up point will be the ABBA hotel at Avenida de America 32, at 9:00 (location here). Hotels between the Avenida de America and Cartagena metro station area should be close to the pick up point. There will be another bus at the end of the meeting (TBD) going from CAB to the ABBA hotel.
There is a huge selection of hotels (and prices) in Madrid. The area around Avenida de America Metro station (aka «intercambiador») should be fine concerning hotel variety, restaurants, and access to Madrid downtown, airport, and CAB-INTA.