• 4th ESO students have their first research experience at CAB

    Miriam García hosted Pablo Pascual and Pablo Cañizares from Colegio Gamo Diana, who visited CAB for a week in the context of the program 4º ESO. This initiave aims at providing 4ºESO students with their first professional experience.

    Dr. Miriam García, Pablo Pascual and Pablo Cañizares.

    Pablo Pascual and Pablo Cañizares joined 6 more students who learned how people work in a research center, and were proposed some research-introductory tasks. [Read More…]

  • SPICA-SAFARI consortium meeting at SRON


    Paco Najarro attended the SPICA/SAFARI consortium meeting on the week of April 2nd-4th, 2014. The meeting focused on progress of the different instruments and science cases of the SPICA mission


  • How to pursue a scientific career?

    Miriam García visited the IES Santa Brigida (Gran Canaria) on February 22nd. She shared her own life experience as a scientist with the students, and adviced them and encouraged them to become scientists.

  • Gonzalo Holgado will have his PhD thesis defense on January 17th, 2019.

    The Spanish team of massive stars will soon have a new Doctor. Gonzalo Holgado will defend his thesis on “Spectroscopic and physical characterization of the Galactic O-type stars targeted by the IACOB & OWN surveys” on January 17th, and Paco Najarro will be part of the thesis committee.

  • Research opportunities at CAB

    Miriam García will visit the Master students of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid on December 10th, 2018. She will discuss the research opportunities at CAB, after completion of a Master in Astrophysics.